Participant groups

If you have already booked to join us, please ensure you read the Handbook and our Policies.

Bookings are now closed.

We are thrilled that we will be welcoming almost 5,000 young people along with their 1,200 leaders to Essex in July.  It’s not long now before the first peg will go into the ground, and we will begin our mission to convert a farmers field into a tented village.

It is going to be epic.


Below is a list of helpful reminders, it is not an exhaustive list that's why it is vital that you all read the Handbook as well as our Policies and Code of Conduct. However, we hope this helps to serve as an easy list to help with your planning; we realise that one person may be doing all of this, but subdividing in this way may help share the load with other members of your leadership team.

  • Everyone
    • Read our policies
    • Share the Code of Conduct with your participants, thier parents/guardians and your leaders - it's important everyone understands the EIJ expectations.
    • Read the handbook
    • Read the newsletters
    • Get to know your Subcamp team (and respond to their emails)
    • Learn your subcamp dance (if you don't know it, email [insertsubcampname]
  • Leader in charge
    • Ensure all payments are made and phase 2 is completed
    • Complete your REN or NAN (UK) or international equivalent
    • Complete your normal risk assessments
    • Collate and print all your participant paperwork (including the shooting permission) so it's ready to hand in when you check-in at your Subcamp. You can find a blank form here and the international version is here.
  • Leader responsible for equipment and catering
  • Leader responsible for parents communications
    • Highlight EIJ's Got Talent and the opportunity to be part of our Ceremonies
    • Let them know about dressing up for the barn dance, neon night and the campfires!
    • Remind them about any special clothing that they may need as outlined in the Handbook
    • Place your clothing order by 23rd June
  • Leader responsible for extra activities

Please remember the site is a dog free zone - no dogs are permitted on site.

For those of you still wondering what it's all about, our Leaders Pack may be helpful:

  • a covering letter answering the most pertinent questions
  • a letter for you to adapt for your members, you'll need to adjust the costs and outline transportation etc, but we hope it helps to give you a starting point
  • a poster that you can print and share
  • a list of fundraising ideas - contact our fundraising team to get extra support.

If you have any further questions please see our FAQs or email our team.

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