
We have organised a wonderful selection of activities for our young people to take part in.  With immense experience in delivering a fun packed, exciting and unique set of activities, we are sure everyone who attends the Essex International Jamboree will have an amazing time.

We put all our activities into zones and cover a range of activities and entertainment that will thrill, excite, challenge and entertain you throughout the week.

Click on the links below to find out more about each session:

And the five golden rules of programme!

Five Golden Rules of Programme

In order for everyone to have a fun time and enjoy themselves we have some Programme Rules that we would like participants and leaders to follow.

  1. Look after yourself - Please take care of yourself by ensuring that you have a full drinks bottle and you have suitable protection against the weather (Sun screen/sun hat or waterproof coat). There is very little cover out on the Programme Field. Remember you can't have fun if you’re not well! We have issued guidance on what to wear for each zone, please follow it so that you do not get stopped from doing an activity.
  2. Listen to instructions & follow the rules - We ask you to be polite and listen to all of the instructions given to you by the activity leader, especially the safety instructions. Even if you have done an activity before, the rules we have may be slightly different so you need to listen. They are volunteers without whom we cannot run the activity so please be polite and follow the rules they give you, even if you disagree with them. The rules are the same for everyone and are there for a reason.
  3. Queue up & move on - We have tried to minimise the number of queues and those that do exist will have other mini activities for you to do while you’re waiting. But we ask you to be patient and do not push in, otherwise you will be asked to leave the activity. Please also help by moving away from an activity once you have had a go so that others can get their turn and we can keep the queue moving.
  4. Choose your adventure - We have so many different things going on that you may not have the time to do everything, but you need to decide what you want to go on most and start from there. Remember if you miss out on something specific you can always go back and have another go on the Celebration Day (Friday).
  5. Try new things - Make the most of the time and the opportunities you have on offer. Don't go away regretting you didn't try something. If you have any concerns just talk to the zone staff who are there to help you.

Awards and Badges

As you can see the programme is full and balanced. Whilst no single zone will qualify a participant for an individual badge, over the week the activities will obviously contribute to their badge work. Therefore, to make the most of your time at the Jamboree, keep a note of what your group is up to so you can formally recognise their achievements later.

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