Learning & Development

At the Essex International Jamboree, we are delighted to be able to offer our staff and leaders the opportunity to take part in special training sessions. The sessions not only an opportunity to learn something new, or refresh your First Response skills, they are also here to enable you to network, share, develop and have fun during the week.

All sessions need to be booked in advance here.

NB: we are using a Essex Scout system to manage the bookings, but the sessions are open to all Jamboree Leaders and Staff – Girlguiding, Scouting, UK, International.

It is essential that you discuss your pre-booked L&D sessions with your Team Leader (or other members of your team) to ensure that there is adequate cover for your role whilst you are attending the session.


We also welcome you to drop in and visit us at our L&D Hub (next to Noa’s Club and opposite Staff Restaurant) to complete any eLearning you need such as Safety and Safeguarding learning that you may need or need to renew.

Drop In
Our team of experts is also available to discuss your learning and offer support. However, please note, these ‘drop-in’ sessions are on a first come first served basis and may be limited to 30 mins in busy periods.

The sessions will run to these times:
Morning: 9:30AM to 12:30PM
Afternoon: 2PM to 5PM
Evening: 7PM to 8:30PM

You will find the full schedule here.

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