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Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to join our team, we look forward to seeing you all at EIJ2024! Our 120-acre site will soon be converted from a green field by our team of volunteers who will transform it into a fully operational tented village. The site will have a robust infrastructure of water, showers, toilets, electrics, communications, food distribution, health and welfare services.

Please remember the site is a dog free zone - no dogs are permitted on site.

By joining our staff team you will be part of a unique experience and the heart of this is having fun. You will meet people from many different backgrounds with a multitude of experiences and make friendships that will last a lifetime. It's a fantastic opportunity and one never to be forgotten.

But what does it involve being a team member?

As a member of staff, your fee includes breakfast, lunch and dinner which is provided by our on site caterers in our staff restaurant. We pride ourselves on providing healthy and nutritious food that keep our staff going all day! What's more we can cater for special dietary requirements, you just have to let us know on your booking form.

When you apply to be a member of staff you can choose up to 3 roles that can range from working in one of our retail outlets, part of a programme zone, on a subcamp, in the entertainments team, site safety and security, hospitality, cleaning, facilities and so much more. You'll become part of a team and together we will put on this amazing event for the participants. As part of your role, your team leader will give you a set of responsibilities as well as a work schedule - and we expect our staff to work together, collaborate and support each other. All of which you can discuss with your Team Leader when you join us.

And what's more, it's vital to us that our staff have a great time at the Essex International Jamboree - if you're having fun, so will our young people and their leaders. We have a full schedule of learning and development that you can book onto, and there will be opportunities to try some of the programme, and of course you'll be part of our opening and closing ceremonies.

We also have an adult retreat and the Urban Umbrella with evening entertainment; and if you're bringing your children (aged under 10.5) they can join Noa's Club exclusively for you to make sure you can concentrate on work whilst your children have fun.

Being part of the Essex International Jamboree Staff is an unforgettable experience and that's why we have staff members who come back time and time again.

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