The River Reader


An Irish Yarn ...

9:44 AM on Monday 17th July 2023

11th Cork Cloghroe Scout Group are so delighted with the prospect of participating in Essex International Jamboree 2024.

We first joined you in 2012. Our first trip to a Jamboree. What an incredible experience for Scouts and leaders alike. 

It's hard to believe we were part of  a group of 10,000 Scouts and Guides. Such an adventure. Meeting up with Scouts and Guides from every corner of the world: UK, France, Netherlands, Germany, Egypt, Nigeria, America and more. Sometimes we think the way we Scout is unique to us alone. Here we saw 7,500 others doing as we do. The sense of camaraderie was fantastic. The program was phenomenal, a huge amount of work was put into it by the organising teams. Truly amazing.

Our Scouts were bowled over by their experience. A once in a lifetime adventure. Words cannot express fully how much our youth members enjoyed it, the skills they learned, the friendships they made. This goes for our Scouters too.

In 2024, Cloghroe Scout Group will be 50 years old. As part of our celebrations we have included attending Essex International Jamboree to mark our special year. I am envious of those going for the first time. The sense of awe is mind blowing. To see the campsite set up, how a field becomes a town in its own right, buzzing with chatter, laughter and excitement for a fun filled week.

Roll on July 2024.

Marie Murphy, 11th Cork Cloghroe Scout Group

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