The River Reader


The EIJ A-Z of fundraising

Singing ladies

7:44 PM on Thursday 13th July 2023

We have put together a list to help you kick start your fundraising to bring yourself and your young people to the Essex International Jamboree in 2024. We also have a team on hand who can help you, just email them at

  • Advertise.  There is not much point in running an event unless you advertise. The best way to do this is think of the people you are aiming the event at. There is no point in running a Rainbow/Beaver event and giving leaflets to Guides and Scouts. Use the media available Facebook, group news letters, leaflets, word of mouth, community boards, posters, or even be brave and ask the local newspaper to run an article.
  • Benefits. The benefit of fundraising is not just to save you paying. By the end of the fundraising year the young person going to the event should be able to come up with a rough plan of running an event and have ideas of what they enjoyed. 
  • Communication. Some of the young people will love to talk but others will need encouragement to come out of there shells. When fundraising they may need to ask a stranger something, as well as be asked what they are raising money for, be prepared. You never know a child may ask about joining the scouts or guides.
  • Decide. Put together a rough fundraising diary, ands spread it throughout the time period you have. Make sure not to keep doing the same thing. Work around planned camps, etc
  • Every penny counts. Make sure they know that selling small items will only make small profits, but they add up, I have done crème egg covers at Easter, other ideas are tuck shops, badges, woggles, keyrings. 
  • Fun. make sure the young people enjoy it, 
  • Get in touch. We have a team of experts to offer you help, ideas, inspiration and support. Just email them at
  • Help. If you are not sure on something ask. Another adult may have run the same sort of event before and have some good suggestions.
  • Internet. Use this to get ideas for fundraising, FB has lots of groups that give ideas. You can always set up a go fund me page as well, this allows family and friends that live further afield to support you.
  • Joining in. Any one that is being fundraised for should help out, it is not fare on the child who attends everything to get the same as someone who does nothing. 
  • Keep going. Some times of year you will struggle to raise money, like January. But you could be planning events in Feb or for Easter and prepping ahead.
  • Life. Make sure you have a life away from fundraising, it can take a lot of time. Don’t plan something for every weekend.
  • Motivation. Keep the young people motivated by running different activities based at different levels. Maybe a fun day for scouts where the money comes in before the event and they can all join in. 
  • Nearly there. Keep everyone up to date and positive about raising the money. The last part is always the hardest, you have asked everyone and run all the events but you just need one more to get there. At this time it maybe worth looking over what raised the best amount for effort and run it again, with a slightly different theme.
  • Open your eyes. Look around your local area for places to ask, businesses may not donate but may give needed equipment or sponsor some clothing for the young people to attending the event.
  • Pay it back. Explain to the young people about pay it back. If you are fundraised for now, try to attend fundraising events in the future to help others going on other trips. 
  • Quiz nights. If possible get a scout hut/hall for the event but pay out as little as possible for the building hire. Make sure you have access to the equipment needed, a good mix of questions, and prizes.
  • Reuse. Remember many others have experience in fundraising, so ask to reuse some of their ideas; use quizzes more than once, adapt posters and share ideas.  Reuse equipment as much as possible to reduce your costs.
  • Starting. Most people have never fundraised before. Start with something that will bring in money for not a lot of effort. I have started with a curry night, and a quiz night, if you can get a good start it looks better to all.
  • Target. Setting a target is a great motivator; even create one of the ‘test tube’ posters to show your progress visually – the more the young people can see progress towards the target, the more they are likely to maintain enthusiasm and get involved.
  • Understand. Let the parents and attendees know that the fundraising needs to be done by all, how the event money will be split etc. 
  • Value. You need to value everyone’s time and support; say thank you and remember even the very small contributions make a difference in the long run.
  • Ways. Explore different ways of doing things – could you convert a quiz to an online quiz to raise funds? What about a selling dates of the diary and then changing it to names of places?  Think differently, and you will succeed.
  • Xtra. When running an event you can throw in some games like bottle roll, heads and tails, or even just a raffle.  
  • Yourself. And with all these things, take care of yourself and consider your time wisely.  Don’t overdo it.
  • ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.  Rest, rest and rest

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