Meet the Directors and Deputies

Below, you'll find the dedicated and enthusiastic directors and deputies who have been working around the clock to help bring EIJ 2024 to life. Please come and say hello to them all - they'll be out about all of the time!

Karen Packer & Paul Walker

Jamboree Chiefs

Del Hales

Deputy Jambore Chief

Spencer Pardoe

Deputy Jambore Chief

Maxine Jones

Director of Marketing and Media

Robert Williams

Deputy Director of Marketing and Media

Martin Falder

Director of Programme

Lisa Dickinson

Director of Programme

James Howell

Deputy Director of Programme Operations

Amanda Mongan

Deputy Director of Programme Events

Dan Skipton

Director of Retail and Finance

Robert Pickess

Deputy Director of Retail and Finance

Niall Bojko

Health & Safety Manager

Stephen Deighton

Director of Safety

Roland Victory

Deputy Director of Safety

Sam Kerr

Deputy Director of Safety

Rachel Kemp

Director of Event Services

Victoria Barrett

Deputy Director of Event Services

Mary Putt

Registrar - Deputy of Event Services

Henrietta Lee

Registrar - Deputy of Event Services

Jay Shorey

Director of Facilities

Graham Chandler

Deputy Director of Facilities

Sign up to the River Reader