
Departure Procedure for Participant Leaders

We've put together this simple guide to help ensure that you know what will happen when you depart from the Essex International Jamboree.

If you have any questions, please email

Please ensure you leave nothing behind and return the field to its original state. If items are left behind, it creates a lot of extra work for the 'Take Down' Team. By taking all of your belongings and rubbish with you, we help each other and maintain a clean, beautiful environment for future events.  Remember to include your young people in your camp pack-up and get them to help dismantle tents and clear the site.

Participants who are departing individually

If your participants are departing individually, parents will need to park in the car park and walk down towards the Village Green. Parents will be allowed onto the Subcamps for the leaders to hand the children back over to them.  All personal luggage must be carried by individuals from Subcamps back to the car park and children must be accompanied in the Village Green. We highly recommend bringing a trolley with you.  

Collecting your equipment

In order to load your van/vehicle with your equipment, you will have one pass per group to bring your vehicle into the ring road.  The Permit will be issued at the car park by Security as you queue up on Departure Day (Saturday 3rd August).

If there is more than one vehicle per group, only one will be allowed on at any time; the other will need to remain in the car park and wait.

Vehicles with permits will be directed to the relevant Subcamp to load at the perimeter. As with arrivals, you will be unable to take your car directly to your individual pitch to keep everyone safe, so please come prepared to carry your equipment to the vehicle. Trailers will need to be moved back to the perimeter; however, please be aware cars are not allowed on the subcamps whatsoever, so you will need to move your trailer by pushing or pulling manually. 

Return Your Vehicle Permit: please return your permit to the Security team as you leave. If you have a second vehicle, the permit can be transferred to another vehicle (1 vehicle per group at a time allowed on the main jamboree site).

Please ensure that you have left your camping area clear and before you leave your Subcamp for good, you need to visit your Subcamp Hub one last time for them to sign you off and issue you with your exit pass, which you will need to show the Security team before you can drive off the site.  Remember, if you have been parked all week, to remove the car parking sign from your vehicle.

Those travelling by coach

Any UK groups that are travelling by coach and need their camping equipment to be collected and taken to the coach, please ensure that you have filled out the google form that your Subcamp team has shared with you.

Most groups should be off site by 2pm.  

As usual your wonderful Subcamp Team will be on hand to help and advise you.


Departure Guide for Thames Subcamp

We've put together this simple guide to help make your departure from Thames Subcamp smooth and simple.

If you have any questions, please email

Please ensure you leave nothing behind and return the field to its original state. If items are left behind, it creates a lot of extra work for the 'Take Down' Team. By taking all your belongings and rubbish with you, we help each other and maintain a clean, beautiful environment for future events. Bins can be found in comforts, please ask in the Operations hub if you are unsure. 

If you have time to help out on Saturday or Sunday, please come into the Ops Hub to offer your wo/manpower for take-down.  Also on Sunday, the site returns to a build site, so everyone will need a hi-vis and closed shoes, if you haven’t watched the safety video you will need to watch (it’s very quick) in the hub - please ask if you need to do this.

Planning Your Departure

  • Please strike your tent / caravan / van / motorhome etc, ensuring all litter is removed.
  • You must take everything with you. (Don’t forget to check for those hidden tent pegs!)
  • NO VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED ON SITE AT ALL for safety reasons. There are NO exceptions to this. Please use trolleys and help others if you see them struggling.
  • All barriers are in place for safety reasons (This is usually where we have run the electricity and water pipes and cables. Please DO NOT move any.)

When you are ready to leave:

  • Please go to the Operations Hub.
  • At the hub, you will be asked to confirm your departure details. 
  • You will be taken back to your site to inspect that it is clear.
  • When the Thames Staff are happy that everything is removed, you will be given an exit pass.
  • You will need the exit pass to depart (1 pass per person, if you are sharing a tent and the other person is staying longer, please follow the same procedure. The team will check the site is tidy before you leave so the other person isn’t left to do all the work).

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