Risk Assessment Statement

The Essex International Jamboree (EIJ), organised by Essex Scouts and Guides, has a comprehensive Event Management Plan (EMP) detailing the management, organisation, and operation of the event.

To ensure the safety and well-being of all participants, EIJ directorates and teams have conducted risk assessments covering all activities and operations across the site. These assessments include activities undertaken by young people, staff, and leaders. They have been reviewed by the EIJ safety team and are in accordance with best practice, Scouting and Guiding guidelines, and legal requirements.

Due to the dynamic nature of our greenfield site, these risk assessments will be subject to ongoing review and monitoring throughout the event to address any emerging hazards or concerns.

Whilst we cannot share all individual risk assessments due to their volume and specificity, please be assured that all activities are planned, organised, and operated with safety as a top priority. Unit leaders, participants, and staff will receive clear guidance and information on site regarding any specific safety requirements or procedures relevant to their activities.

It is important all leaders complete a risk assessment for their camping group

This should include travelling to and from the jamboree, set-up, operation, and take down of the camping site, including use of equipment, gas safety, hygiene including safe water storage, food safety, and prevention of illness. Your assessments must also be tailored to the specific needs of your camping group.

We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable jamboree experience for everyone. Should you have any specific safety questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us info@eij.org.uk

Jamboree Safety Management Summary

The jamboree has a dedicated safety team of safety professionals with backgrounds ranging from construction safety to environmental health. This team of professionals are also experienced Guiders and Scouters. Our team works closely with the Executive Committee and all directorates to ensure the event is safely planned, organised, and managed.

We produce an Event Management Plan (EMP), a comprehensive document covering all aspects related to the running of our event, including several appendices. The contents of this document are listed below.

We engage with local agencies through a Safety Advisory Group (SAG) process, sharing our plans and arrangements and providing our EMP for their review. Agencies include police, fire, ambulance, environmental health, highways, licensing,water authority, and others.

All contractors are required to provide tailored and appropriate risk assessments, method statements, and insurance in relation to their activities on the jamboree site. These documents are reviewed by the jamboree team, and their work onsite is assessed by the safety team.

All onsite activities and arrangements are risk assessed in the lead up to and during the setup of the event. Due to the nature of the event, these assessments undergo reviews onsite to ensure they are tailored to the specific setup and site challenges.

We have a Major Incident Plan with a management structure responsible for managing incidents across the site. This plan is tested through desktop scenarios.

The safety team maintains a full presence onsite throughout the build, operation, and takedown of the event. The jamboree team completes routine checks across the event, with the safety team undertaking spot checks and inspections of activities across the site.

A near-miss reporting system and trending of accident data, in partnership with our onsite medical team, is undertaken daily. This assists in identifying potential issues and reducing risks.

Onsite, where concerns are identified, there is a reporting process in place. For camping groups, direct reporting to their subcamp team is expected, which will then be escalated as required to the appropriate team for resolution.

Event Management Plan (EMP) Contents:

  • Event Summary
  • Management Commitment
  • Event Management
  • Health and Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Food Safety, Infectious Disease and Water Supply
  • Security
  • Safeguarding
  • Build and Takedown
  • Communications
  • Licensing
  • Insurance
  • Onsite Activities and Entertainment
  • Onsite Venues
  • Site Considerations
  • Environmental Considerations