Tag: Seine

Food fight!
By Susie Williams and Kaitlyn Lafferty Just kidding! Last night the Seine and Amazon Subcamps hosted their food festivals and we had the chance to try all their groups' chosen foods. Everyone was dressed up, trying new foods and dancing, they even had their own Ali G dancing the macarena and Cotton ...
That's in-Seine! - Stories from Seine Subcamp
Salut! The wonderful staff down at Seine subcamp have been gathering stories from their groups - can you spot yourself? If you have a story that you would like to share with us, get in touch with your subcamp team! Le Challenge du Sous-camp! Meet Hugo, Taylor and Karl from 4th Lowestoft, who have be...
Seine Sailing!
Bonjour! Seine Subcamp, like the real Seine in France, hosts many Olympic decorations on their gateways. Some using recycled materials, custom fonts and even including their own Peggy (we see you 10th leigh on Sea Guides). 1st Shenfield Scouts hung flags from many countries highlighting their inclus...

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