Welcome back to The River Reader! We hope you're all staying cool in the hot weather - don't forget to apply plenty of suncream (and refresh it regularly) and drink plenty of water! If you do feel unwell, don't hesitate to speak to any of our volunteers, who will make sure to get you the help you need. We hope you all enjoyed the barn dance last night - we were very impressed at all the dancing in the main arena. If you didn't have a chance to check it out, then don't worry - there are still plenty of themed nights left for you to enjoy.
Today was the first day of EIJ in a Day, where we were proud to welcome hundreds of Scouts and Guides of all ages to experience the jamboree as well. We hope you all had a fantastic time and look forward to seeing you at EIJ again in the future!
Today's Wikipedia rabbit hole:
Brownsea Island! The home of the experimental camp in 1907 that gave birth to the Scout movement and - in turn - the Girl Guides two years later. Brownsea island has far more history than just our organisations though!
Don't forget, we've got more content available on our website -
eij.org.uk. And let us know - how have you been enjoying the heat? Tag us on our socials.