Meet the Makers: Maxine Jones

Maxine, sporting sunglasses and EIJ merch
On brand - Photo by Tina Wing
Written by: Ger Hennessy
1:05 PM on Friday 2nd August 2024

Maxine Jones was never a Brownie. She came to Guiding as a full grown adult. "A friend asked me to run a photography session for her Guides," she explains, and before long she was a signed-up member of the Moulsham District of North Essex County.

Since then she's served as a Guide and Ranger leader, and took on P.R. roles for the Division, County and Region. She's also been a Trustee for the Region. Her work with Girlguiding Chelmsford Divisions was recognised at the UK Parliament Week Awards.

She first attended EIJ in 2004 as a Guide Leader. "I was blown away by the scale of it all!", she says. "Even though I had been well travelled at that point, I was amazed by seeing how so many young people from all walks of life, could come together, and all become friends".

At EIJ in 2008, she tried splitting her attentions between being a Guide Leader and being part of the Photography Team. "I ended up missing meal times with the Guides, so there were a few cold dinners!" By 2012 she was a full-time (voluntary) member of the Photography Team.

In 2016 Maxine stepped up to be joint head of the Communications Directorate. This time round she sits on the Executive as Head of Marketing and Media (M & M). After 2016, Maxine had considered stepping back, but a few (or more than a few) words with Jamboree Chief Karen, and Maxine felt that it would be a "really good challenge to take on." Of course, that was for EIJ 2020. It was Maxine's job to press send on the cancellation notice for that event, "when it was ready to post, I had to be alone."

Maxine says that the M & M Team for EIJ 2024 has benefited from being a mix of seasoned pros and new faces. "Bringing in new blood was important," she says. Maxine, and Deputy Director Robert Williams, have also tried new structures. Such a change was not printing The River Reader. This was occasioned by a change in the media landscape. "The world has changed a lot since 2016, since 2020". Maxine believes the new structures have "worked well", and that the Team Leads have had more freedom to work autonomously. She's been really happy with the quality of work that such a diverse team has produced this week.

Media & Marketing includes Visual content (photos and videos), Written content (website, news and updates), Press (press releases, TV, Radio and Press liaising), Social media (tiktok, instagram, facebook, flickr, and a little X), Themeing (branding and merchandise), and Guest Hospitality (handling invited guests, such as local Guiding and Scouting office holders and trustees, sponsors, influencers and ambassadors). Maxine really appreciates the work the Guest Hospitality team has been doing, "they're seperate from everyone else on content but they've been amazing at showcasing this event for our visitors."

Maxine is here with her husband and fellow EIJ Staff Member Bernie, who "used to be a Cub". He's had on roles in Girlguiding at Unit, County and Region levels. Staff may have seen Maxine and Bernie on stage together at the staff bar, leading dance classes.

In the real world, Maxine is a primary school teacher, so won't be back at the day job for a few more weeks. In the short term she's looking forward to some aquatic and campsite based holidays, before returning to the Guiding "day job" - working with the G.E.N.E. Media Team, where Guides produce a radio show, and the next generation of content creators hone their craft.

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