Scouts and Guides at Work - Visiting Murray Subcamp!

A gateway on Murray subcamp, with beautiful leaves arching over the entrance and a Noa starfish.
We made sure to turn it the right way up for you. Photo by Emily Mackwood
Written by: Susie Williams
5:43 PM on Tuesday 30th July 2024

G’Day Mates!

Down under at the Murray Subcamp, they shipped in their own Aussies to add authenticity to their base. I think they really have outdone themselves for authenticity this week, not only have they brought the Aussie sun (not really according to the Aussie contingent) but they also participate in recycling by collecting bottle tabs/aluminium pull rings and display a sign promoting this on their surfboard display board outside.

To keep their young people entertained they have two daily challenges (that change every day) and a bingo that gets you to talk to many other people. The Murray groups have decorated their gates with many Australian flags (I feel right at home). The hub hosts their own Uluṟu and even a Yabby clock, but no aboriginal flags? Many danger signs decorate the whole Subcamp as warnings of dangerous animals lurking around. The yellow scarves beautifully represent the scorching hot sun, beaches and wildlife such as Cockatoos!

A gateway to a group on Murray subcamp. A painted rendition of the Murray river flows around the arch, with various flags and signs dotted around it.
Photo by Emily Mackwood

Katie Miller from Suffock Scouts, who works in the Murray hub said “we have happiness, enthusiasm, love our life here and take fun seriously”. The leaders in the hub all agree they have the best groups down in the Murray Subcamp.

As an Aussie myself I love this Subcamps representation of animals and culture, however i’d love to see an aboriginal flag or a barbecue grilling sausage sangas. (Editor's note: no, I've no clue what this is either!)

Aussie Aussie Aussie!

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