It's all About You (and Me)

A young person facing away from the camera, doing a colourful puzzle.
Hope there aren't any missing pieces... Photo by Harley Sprought
Written by: Kaitlyn Lafferty
6:10 PM on Tuesday 30th July 2024

Feeling overwhelmed or need a break? All About Me, All About Us is the place to be. This marquee has a wide variety of different activities for you to visit. Five, four, three, two, one, friendship spoons, decorating scarfs for your backpacks, and God's eyes are just a few activities to mention.

I spoke with Cathy Knight who is a Rainbow, Brownie and Explorer Scout leader in Chelmsford. Cathy has been to the last six or seven Jamborees running subcamps, and decided that it was time to change things up and try something different. Cathy and her “fantastic team” work together to create a welcoming space. Cathy truly embodies the One Team approach and loves how her team works together, she stated “Although my name may be at the top of the paper, it is our zone”. Cathy encourages others to come and participate as “it is a place where you can come and take a break from outside.”

The All About Me, All About You notice board, showing the crafts available for the day.
Photo by Harley Sprought

If crafting isn’t your thing, then head to Relax Kids just behind All About Me, All About Us, where you can learn relaxing techniques. Cathy also has the Faith Tent where faith leaders come in daily to teach Guides and Scouts all about their own faith.

Grace, Adele, Phoebe and Amelia from Guernsey – staying on the Mississippi subcamp – were all sat together making friendship bracelets. After collecting lots of bracelets from other friends, they decided they would make some more to spread the friendship around. They visited the survival activity and loved making bracelets there and when they found out that All about me, all about us had a “different technique” of friendship making, they just jumped on the opportunity. The girls described the area as a “nice, relaxing, calming area where you can chat and do something” - they liked that there was an activity where you could “have a break from running around in the heat”. "It’s nice to be out of the subcamp” as well as getting the opportunity to make new friends and when they come next time they will “definitely bring our friends".

If this sounds like a cool place to chill out and discover everything about yourself, then you should give them a visit. Tomorrow, they have a few different activities such as My Rainbow. My Rainbow is an activity where you create your own rainbow from things such as your colour hair, eyes and more!

A friendship bracelet under construction.
Photo by Harley Sprought

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