Fake News! Read all about it! - The Danube Subcamp

A camp gate decorated with a hoard of plastic ducks
Danube - All their ducks in a row.
Written by: Susie Williams
4:54 PM on Wednesday 31st July 2024

A collection of low quality ill-researched "news" papers, pinned to a pin-board
Alternative facts from The Daily Danube - Photo by Ger Hennessy

As we have all heard, Dunabe's daily newsletter is a wannabe The River Reader, but it could never compare to our outstanding web-based publication. The Danube Daily is produced by the Subcamp hub team and Nick Webb from this team said “it is very cheaply made”. Originally the newspaper started as a joke, but after two editions they realised they have to maintain their production line!

Danube Subcamp, being Danube Subcamp. No Notes - Photo by Ian Guy

Nick Webb is very proud of the rest of the Subcamp as well “we have the best Subcamp challenge, and it is certified by the youth that have completed it” - the blood-red river is certainly eyecatching if nothing else. The Subcamp team is described to be the best (of course) because they “like dancing, music, dressing up” and “giving out biscuits and tea”.

The main board outside the hub displays the weather, employees of the day, a Dracula “Noa” and Subcamp team photos. The Romanian participants on the Subcamp prove it to be authentic as the Danube river flows through Romania. The river flows through central and southeastern Europe and is 2,850 km long, passing through many countries including Romania, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine! It even visits some iconic landmarks like the Black Forest before finally joining the Black Sea.

So if you are going to visit Danube, look out for their fake news and beware the vampires, (and the ducks)!

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