A Trip to the Amazon... Subcamp!

The gateway to a group's camp. The arch is covered in vines, with a water mat on the floor flowing under it. To the right there is a white banner decorated in flags, welcoming people to their camp.
Photo by Leah Gainor
Written by: Lauren Game
4:00 PM on Sunday 28th July 2024

Why not swing on down to the jungle and visit the Amazon subccamp today?

The Amazon Subcamp connects Guides and Scouts from around the world, promoting both the global environment and sustainability. Beautiful gateways, using recycled materials and representations of native animals, decorate the length of the Subcamp. Displays of many international flags on the gateways, provide a sense of approachability and inclusivity with other groups. The most important participant at Essex International Jamboree 2024 made an appearance… Peggy of course! Contingents have made their own version of Peggy as a mascot, which has been great to see - showing the true sincere friendship and equality displayed at Essex International Jamboree. 

The Subcamp Hub was an important stop on this tour, checking out what the team displays for the participants.

In addition to this.. We managed to speak to the international advisor Ciara, who was able to provide a detailed insight into their team. She said ‘we are a great team, some of us having worked together before so that is always a better position’ and that being ‘friendly to the participants, makes for a great Subcamp team!’ 

It wouldn’t be a Subcamp without the daily challenges, well Amazon has many activities to keep the participants enthused throughout the day. Their biggest challenge is Rowing the length of the Amazon river across the week… which, by the way is 6,800 Kilometres long. Come on Amazon, you have got this!

Decoration around the Amazon Subcamp Hub - it looks like the deck of a ship, complete with a wheel and mast.
Photo by Leah Gainor

A contingent from Canada spoke to us about their experience in the Subcamp so far, with Adam saying ‘experiencing other countries around the site is fantastic’ and ‘being older at the Jamboree has allowed me to take in my surroundings more and enjoy the experience’. 

Oh.. and if you are walking around the Amazon Subcamp, let us know if you spot David Attenborough!

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