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Three young people sitting on hay bales in front of a TV camera - about to present the news. A volunteer is standing to the side giving them instructions.
Photo by Ian Guy
Written by: Caroline Dickinson
3:30 PM on Sunday 28th July 2024

One of our Activity Zones is not what you would expect for a field near Chelmsford - the Tech Lab focuses on all things techy. Our participants can try out all sorts of technology from morse code to chroma key bluescreen, for presenting the weather. This was the first activity zone for Ganges subcamp and the whole area was bustling with sound and activity!

The variety of activities on display was truly impressive and our participants really enjoyed getting to try out the various things on offer with weather presenting and the TV studio being particularly popular. Lewis from Genesis ESU said that presenting the weather was “very interesting, I had no idea it was that complex with all the different screens”. Lewis also gave an exclusive update on today’s weather “The weather today is going to warm up nicely with lots of sunshine, both during the day and during the night.” You heard it here first! Be on the lookout for sunshine overnight tonight!

A young person from Ganges subcamp sitting on a stool and holding a spinning bike wheel, in a demonstration of gyroscopic precession.
Photo by Ian Guy

There are so many activities to do across all of our zones, but Tech Lab has over 40 on its own! As with the rest of our programme, it would be nothing without our team of dedicated volunteers to run things. Chinmay from 44th Croydon is here as staff to share his skills in the Tech Circuits tent, “I’ve done Jamborees before, I enjoy working with young people and I enjoy working with Scouts so this was a good opportunity.” Chinmay is helping to run four main activities in Tech Circuits where the participants can try 3D printing a name tag, stop motion animation, LEGO robot football and a drone flying simulator.

This is day one of what will be a packed-out week for our participants but they are all getting well into the spirit already. Kiira from Kankaanpään Korpiveikot (part of the Finnish contingent) has already been swapping with other participants and said “the people and wandering around has been my favourite part so far.”

Make sure to try out your broadcasting, science and animation skills at Tech Lab!

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